Estrategia en Inteligencia Artificial 2024 en España

The technological revolution involves legislative development at a national level, one of the most recent developments being the approval by the Government of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2024.

In particular, it was the Council of Ministers that approved the aforementioned Strategy at the proposal of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service.

The Spanish Government's aim is to position itself as a leading state at the forefront of technology and Artificial Intelligence.

The measures introduced are expected to take effect this year and in 2025, with the financial support of 1.5 billion euros, in addition to the 600 million already provided, mostly from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, as well as the addendum to said Plan.

The strategy consists of three main axes which in turn give rise to eight action plans and, at a practical level:

Axis 1: Strengthening capacities for the development of AI. In this sense, it is further divided into:

  • Strengthening supercomputing: With an additional investment of 90 million euros, aspects such as MareNostrum 5, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-National Supercomputing Center and the Spanish Supercomputing Network will be improved.

  • Sustainable storage capacity: To achieve this, Data Processing Centres will be created with sustainable measures, new infrastructures and simplified procedures.

  • Language models: Called ALIA, it is intended to reduce discriminatory biases and improve good practices in both companies and public administrations.

  • Need for talent: In addition to the 600 million euros, another 160 million will be invested in scholarships, as well as in training for both professionals and teachers, as more and more sectors are looking for professionals with a speciality in Artificial Intelligence.

Axis 2: The GobTech Lab Project will be developed, where technology will be used through a laboratory in addition to creating a governance model.

Not stopping there, with special emphasis on the field of SMEs and self-employed workers, the Kit Consulting program will be developed, thanks to the contribution of 300 million euros, in addition to allowing all companies and other entrepreneurs to adapt and incorporate Artificial Intelligence in their projects.

As for the Digital Kit program, new technological tools will be incorporated thanks to an investment of 350 million euros, in addition to the 400 million that will be allocated to the NextTech Fund.

Future analysis that we have incorporated and mentioned in this article is the future Cybersecurity Law, whose objective is to develop national regulations and foresee systems for the protection of information, networks and data, in addition to promoting the cybersecurity ecosystem, encouraging innovation and technological development.

Axis 3: The objectives will be met through the Spanish Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence, delving into trends and generating social debate, as well as identifying biases.

Furthermore, it plans to obtain a certificate of compliance with the European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence and will participate in European and international institutions on this subject.

In conclusion, Spain aims to position itself at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence not only in Europe, but worldwide, by introducing new strategies and adapting to the current technological revolution.
To this end, meetings will be held every six months in addition to obtaining data on detention and selection to benefit society, as well as to create a more efficient and effective Public Administration.

Guía inteligencia artificial

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