Jurisprudencia reciente en materia de IA

Below we bring you the Status Report on the latest Copyright lawsuits against AI companies since March 12, 2024.

A new lawsuit has been filed against Nvidia, brought by three book authors in the case Abdi Nazemian v. NVIDIA Corp. This brings the total number of lawsuits filed to 19, of which 18 remain pending.

In the Tremblay Tremblay case, Judge MARTÍNEZ-OLGUÍN has denied the plaintiffs' request (a rare move) to have OpenAI not participate in the litigation in the Southern District of New York, which involves other book authors in the case Authors' Guild v. OpenAI.

Let's look at each case individually:

  • Thomson Reuters EnterpriseCentre GmbH et al v. ROSSIntelligence Inc .: The copyright trial will begin on August 26, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Wilmington, Delaware, and will last for five days. SJ's motions on defendant's antitrust claims are pending.
  • Getty Images (US), Inc. v. Stability AI Ltd : Defendants' motion to dismiss or move (DI 16 ) is DISMISSED without prejudice to refile after conclusion of jurisdictional discovery. Case reassigned to Judge Jennifer Hall.
  • Doe 1 v. Github, Inc.: Defendants moved to dismiss 2nd Amended Complaint under Section 1202 of the DMCA and breach of contract. Stipulated Order:
  1. Plaintiffs' oppositions to any motion(s) filed by Defendants in response to the SAC are due March 27, 2024.
  2. 2. Defendants' responses to motions are due 10, 2024.

Plaintiffs filed the (January 24, 2024) after Judge Tigar granted Github, Microsoft's motion to dismiss in part, leaving only 3 claims for breach of contract and unfair competition.

  • Sarah Andersen v. Stability AI Ltd :

1) The deadline for Plaintiffs to respond to the motions to dismiss is March 21, 2024.

2) The deadline for Defendants to file responses in support of motions to dismiss is April 18, 2024.

3) Hearing on any Dismissal set for 5/8/2024 02:00 PM via Video Conference before Judge William H. Orrick, in connection with the Amended.

  • Richard Kadrey v. Meta Platforms, Inc .: For the reasons set forth at the 1/25/2024 hearing, the 65 Motion to Appoint Lead Plaintiff and Lead Counsel is denied without prejudice. First Amended Complaint filed December 11, 2024. 2023.
  • In re OpenAI ChatGPT Litigation, Case No. 23-cv-03223. Three cases consolidated and recaptioned above: Paul Tremblay v. OpenAI, Inc., Sarah Silverman v. OpenAI, Inc. Consolidated and Chabon v. OpenAI consolidated : Order denying Tremblay's motion to enjoin defendants from litigating in SDNY.

Order partially upholding the claim for indirect infringement, the 1202 CMI, negligence, and unjust enrichment.

Granting leave to amend to permit plaintiffs to file an amended complaint in which cases are in a proceeding entitled In re OpenAI ChatGPT Litigation: Claims at 23-cv-3223-AMO (Tremblay et al. v. OpenAI, Inc. et al.), 23-cv-04625-AMO (Chabon et al. v. OpenAI, Inc. et al.), 23-cv-.03416 (Silverman et al. v. OpenAI, Inc. et al.). Pre-Trial Order No. 1 with Stipulation and Order Consolidating Cases.

  • L. v. Alphabet Inc .: Google Filed Motion to Dismiss Certain Claims (February 9, 2024) ORDER GRANTING AS MODIFIED 31 STIPULATION to continue conference and authorize filing of briefs in excess of default page limits.

Case management brief must be submitted by noon on 5/30/2024.

First Amended Complaint filed January 5, 2024.

  • Abdi Nazemian v. NVIDIA Corp .: Lawsuit filed (March 8, 2024).
  • Huckabee v. Meta Platforms Inc (dismissed without prejudice and tolling : Order of Judge Vince Chhabria granting #105 Stipulation of Dismissal without Prejudice and Stay Agreement.
  • Concord Music Group, Inc. et al v. Anthropic PBC : Various motions and objections to file an amicus curiae brief: preliminary motion.

ORDER TO OPENING TRIAL TRIAL: Jury trial is set for 11/18/2025 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 6B before Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr.

Exhibit list due by 11/3/2025. Pretrial conference set for 11/10/2025 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 6B before the Judge.

  • Authors Guild v. Open AI, Alter v. OpenAI, Microsoft, formerly Julian Sancton v. OpenAI, Microsoft consolidated with Authors Guild v. OpenAI plus Basbanes v. Microsoft below : Judge Martinez-Olguin's Order of Judge Martinez-Olguin to Litigate in SDNY Answer filed by OpenAI (Feb. 16, 2024). Answer filed by Microsoft (Feb. 16, 2024). CONSOLIDATED COMPLAINT filed (Feb. 2, 2024). Fact discovery, expert discovery, and the filing of any motion for judgment to be completed on or before Feb. 28, 2025.
  • Basbanes v. Microsoft consolidated for pretrial purposes pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 42. with Authors Guild v. OpenAI above : Judge Martinez-Olguín Tremblay's Order to Enjoin Litigation in SDNY Complaint Filed (January 5, 2024)
  • New York Times v. Microsoft : Letter from the New York Times requesting oral arguments on motion to dismiss (March 11, 2024). Defendant moved for dismissal (February 26, 2024). Complaint filed (December 28, 2023).
  • Raw Story Media, Inc. v. OpenAI : Complaint filed (February 28, 2024).
  • Intercept Media Inc. v. OpenAI : Complaint filed (February 28, 2024).
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