Las mejores herramientas de IA para convertir audio en texto

Best AI Tools to Convert Audio to Text

HerramientasJosé Pedro Martín Escolar
Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, it is now possible to convert voice recordings, interviews, podcasts, and other audio files into te...
Las mejores herramientas de IA para convertir audio en texto

Best AI Tools to Convert Audio to Text

HerramientasJosé Pedro Martín Escolar
Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, it is now possible to convert voice recordings, interviews, podcasts, and other audio files into te...
ChatGPT: ¿Qué es un prompt y qué errores evitar al escribirlos?

ChatGPT: What is a prompt and what mistakes should you avoid when writing them?

inteligencia artificialJosé Pedro Martín Escolar
Artificial intelligence (AI) has burst into our lives with the force of a hurricane, transforming the way we work, learn, and communicate. ChatGPT...
Herramientas para generar códigos QR

Tools to generate QR codes

José Pedro Martín Escolar
QR codes have become an essential tool for connecting the physical and digital worlds. From sharing contact information to promoting products, the...
Publicado el reglamento de inteligencia artificial

Artificial intelligence regulations published

inteligencia artificialCristina Prado benéitez
The Artificial Intelligence Regulation was published today in the Official Journal of the European Union. This is Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 of t...
Google chat se presenta como una alternativa de WhatsApp empresarial

Google chat is presented as an alternative to WhatsApp business

chatJosé Pedro Martín Escolar
In today's competitive work environment, clear communication and smooth collaboration are key to achieving success in any project. Google Chat, the...
Estos atajos de teclado en Google Docs aumentarán tu productividad

These Google Docs keyboard shortcuts will boost your productivity

Google docsJosé Pedro Martín Escolar
These are the most important Google Docs keyboard shortcuts you should know, with variations for Windows and macOS. To access the full list of keyb...
Cómo vincular una cuenta de correo externa a Gmail

How to link an external email account to Gmail

José Pedro Martín Escolar
Connecting an external email account to Gmail may seem like an inconspicuous feature, but it actually significantly simplifies managing your email...